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Photographer: Marieke Jongsma-Muis

Marieke Jongsma-Muis
Member of WPE
World Ranking Country Ranking Last Year's Points
1231th 32th 656th
Honor Points : 2 1 Point
Photographer Marieke Jongsma-Muis

Mother of three. Happely married, 44, Working as human resource manager and in free time love to make photo's.

Love the most to work out the creative concepts which pop in my head. Mostly fairy/fantasy and i seek models, dresses, props, nice places. So everything is how i want before shooting. Sometimes it takes a year when i've a project completed. I only work with Lightroom after making the pictures.

Beside fantasy/creative shoots i shoot weddings, loveshoots and familyshoots. It give me the financials to buy props, camera's, dresses et cetera.

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