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Photographer: Darlene Sours

Darlene Sours
Distinguished of WPE
World Ranking Country Ranking Last Year's Points
472th 74th 863th
Honor Points : 7 1 Point
Photographer Darlene Sours

Years ago, I ventured into an epicurean world of fine dining. With my creative cooking knowledge and polished culinary skills, I went to culinary school and started working immediately in the fine dining industry, hoping to get inspired and creatively fulfilled. But In the long run (25 years long), It wasn't inspiring or creative, only exhausting and unfulfilling. So, I decided to trade in my knives and pick up an old friend.

In 1977, Dad bought me a camera; it was a Konica with all the bells and whistles that were possible back then for a film camera, and for the next few years, I took photos in my backyard of flowers and butterflies, my friends and just played around, loving it but not taking it too seriously. Fast forward 30+ years, and there I was, with a current advanced digital camera, in my backyard of the Rocky Mountains, finding my creative voice. Sadly, my dad didn't see what his one small gift did for me.
Each gallery represents my work as I have driven across the United States, state by state, on some extensive road trips. Going south and then north and traversing east and west to hit each coast, crossing the mighty Mississippi River well over 25 times. In those miles, I've captured small towns, endless byways, and some high mountain passes, too numerous to count. I've knocked off 49 states, but Alaska still seems to elude me. In 2024, I'll travel to Iceland as well.
My hope is these images will portray my true self and my love of traveling and the outdoors.

Award winning photos