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Photographer: Matteo Di Veronesi

Matteo Di Veronesi
Member of WPE
World Ranking Country Ranking Last Year's Points
4851th 89th 1276th
Honor Points : 0 --
Photographer Matteo Di Veronesi

Matteo di Veronesi was born in northern Italy in the 70s. He believes that art belongs to those who genuinely appreciate it in any form...

Specializing in Fine-Art family and conceptual portraiture, Matteo di Veronesi is an internationally awarded professional photographer, for his unmistakable style based on European Renaissance Baroque. Born in Italy, he nurtures an explicit passion for the art of portraiture. He is a creator of stories, marking timeless moments through his photographic work, and is able to transmit all the emotions and connections within people in his portraits.

Pioneer in Portugal in the true Fine Art baroque style with inspiration from the great painters of the 16th Century. With publications for Vogue UK as well as many other works like L'Oréal, Microsoft, New Balance and others.

He defines himself as an artist a bit frightened by the mutation the art of today is passing, but truly confident with what the future will bring...

"...I don´t feel I´m any especial or more than anyone... Actually I think art cannot be compared..."

"...I truly live to craft my art, I only want that any artist should follow their dreams and be free in what he consider to be art..."

"...Each artist has a vision of what art is, any human being can be an artist as long as they develop their art with passion and mastery..."

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