Top Ranked Country
Countries are sorted by the excellence points their photographers have received
and the photographers in that country will be ranked among themselves.
Countries with the same total of excellence points from their members are sorted alphabetically.
Every contest, points earned by photographers will be added to their countries.
Total number of members: 12769 Last member: Kenan Cheung (Hong Kong)
1st USA (1912 points - 1136 photographers) 2nd Italy (896.5 points - 821 photographers) 3rd Russian Federation (721.5 points - 886 photographers) 4th Sweden (606.5 points - 132 photographers) 5th United Kingdom (549 points - 439 photographers) 6th Australia (526 points - 209 photographers) 7th France (497 points - 468 photographers) 8th Greece (484.5 points - 279 photographers) 9th Japan (382.5 points - 197 photographers) 10th Netherlands (379 points - 241 photographers) 11th Canada (364 points - 242 photographers) 12th Iran (357.5 points - 261 photographers) 13th Portugal (335.5 points - 204 photographers) 14th Taiwan (332.5 points - 132 photographers) 15th Hong Kong (320 points - 136 photographers) 16th Germany (311 points - 310 photographers) 17th Spain (297 points - 351 photographers) 18th Poland (292.5 points - 345 photographers) 19th Mexico (290 points - 187 photographers) 20th New Zealand (278.5 points - 74 photographers) 21th Norway (277 points - 99 photographers) 22th Slovakia (268.5 points - 84 photographers) 23th Malaysia (218.5 points - 327 photographers) 24th Ukraine (183.5 points - 229 photographers)